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Panic After Explosion Captured on Camera


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Panic After the Explosion Captured on Camera

Patlamanın Ardından Yaşanan Panik Anları Kameralara Yansıdı

The moments of panic following an explosion at a Sherdan shop in the Torbalı district of Izmir were captured on security cameras. Footage from the scene showed citizens running away in fear and injured people lying motionless on the ground.

The Identities of the Deceased Have Been Determined

Ölenlerin Kimlikleri Belirlendi

As part of the ongoing investigation into the explosion, the identities of those who lost their lives have been determined. Birgül Sarsılmaz (44), Ruken Çağur (31), Evin Aslan (36), Dilek Bağ (24) and Havin Ergin (17), an 11th grade student at Menderes Municipality Multi-Program Anatolian High School, were among those who lost their lives as a result of the explosion.

Panic After Explosion Captured on Camera

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