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  3. Palestinian Woman Recounts Horror She Experienced With Israeli Occupation Forces’ Dog

Palestinian Woman Recounts Horror She Experienced With Israeli Occupation Forces’ Dog


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Tennani, 70, who did not want to recall the difficult migration he experienced due to the Israeli occupation in 1948, resisted the Israeli army’s raid on the camp between May 12 and 31, and attempted to forcibly displace him.

Tennani stated that he was confronted by Israeli soldiers raiding his house and a wild dog attacking him, and said, “I could not make my voice heard to anyone, I waited for help until the morning, covered in blood.”

The woman, who was seriously injured after the incident, stated that she could not go to the hospital due to the bombardment and was waiting for help.

The elderly woman said that she desperately tried to find help by walking for hours and that finally a young man took her to the hospital.

Filistinli Kadın, İsrail İşgal Güçlerinin Köpeğiyle Yaşadığı Dehşeti Anlattı

International Reactions and Statements from Human Rights Organizations

Uluslararası Tepkiler ve İnsan Hakları Örgütlerinden Açıklamalar

Following the footage shared by Al Jazeera, social media activists took to social media to condemn Israel’s aggressive behaviour.

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Organization (Euro-Med) said in a statement that Israel was violating human rights by allowing dogs to attack civilians.

The organization’s statement said that Israeli forces systematically used dogs and used violence against civilians during attacks in Gaza.

The statement emphasized that similar incidents frequently occur and that the horror experienced by the elderly Gaza woman was not a single example.

Palestinian Woman Recounts Horror She Experienced With Israeli Occupation Forces’ Dog

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