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Online Meeting from the Presidency of Religious Affairs: Statements by Ali Erbaş


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Presidency of Religious Affairs Online Meeting

Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Çevrim İçi Toplantısı

The online meeting, chaired by Ali Erbaş and attended by provincial and district muftis and deputy provincial muftis, was held at the Presidency of Religious Affairs Conference Hall. According to the statement made by the Presidency of Religious Affairs, Erbaş emphasized in his speech that the world is going through one of the most difficult processes in its history, and that wars, occupations, crises and hopelessness are virtually surrounded by all of humanity.

Erbaş said, “We are watching what is happening in Gaza with our own eyes. A genocide is happening right under our noses, right before our eyes. Our hearts are burning. Our aid and boycotts continue, and they should. We will continue to “call for a boycott.”

Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı'ndan Çevrim İçi Toplantı: Ali Erbaş'ın Açıklamaları

Erbaş stated that they will continue to shout out the massacre and genocide carried out by the oppressors and invaders, and that it is not possible for them to stay away from this situation. He noted that there is terror, anarchy, chaos, proxy wars and actual conflicts in at least 40 regions of the world today. He also stated that even people living in the so-called developed countries of the world are subjected to various oppressions, evils and injustices. “Do not pay attention to their portrayal of themselves as a very civilized state, when we enter it, you will see what disasters and pains are experienced,” he added.

Emphasizing that humanity is at the point of losing values ​​such as peace, law, trust and hope today, Erbaş said: “Those who set out with exciting sentences and great promises within the West-centered change since the 18th century have condemned all of humanity to great chaos and depression. The fundamental reason for this is the marginalization, decay and disregard of human, moral and universal values. In other words, the name and reason for the impasses that humanity is experiencing in the individual, social, political. , economic and environmental areas today is literally a crisis of values, a crisis of civilization.”

Erbaş, emphasizing Turkey’s great duties in leading the ummah and guiding humanity, said, “We witness everywhere we go that all the oppressed and victimized geographies of the world and the people living in those geographies see us as their last hope. As a nation, “Aware of this, we are working and struggling everywhere in the world and in every field today. We strive to carry the honor of having a great nation and a strong state and the burden of humanity at the same time.”

Reminding that the Mawlid-i Nebi Week will begin on September 14, Erbaş added the following: “On the occasion of Mawlid-i Nebi, we will introduce our Prophet and his personality with all our power and means, with all our teachers and members We will teach the characteristics of the personality he built. We will remember the characteristics of the distinguished people he raised, the companions. We will work to create a strong consciousness by bringing the issue of personality building to the agenda of humanity in the age. we live in. We will bring to the agenda the basic principles and approach of our Prophet in character building, and ensure that ideas on the importance of personality education and methods of raising a generation with character are put forward in this time. i Nebi Week, we will produce solutions based on prophetic references to the problems of faith and morality that prevent people from living a life in accordance with the Muslim personality, occupy hearts and deeply shake social life.”

Stating that Quran courses have a special place and meaning in the eyes of the Presidency of Religious Affairs, Erbaş stated that Quran courses are the greatest opportunity for the nation and generations to access accurate and reliable information about faith, worship and life. Erbaş emphasized that these courses provide Quran and religious education services suitable for all ages and levels in a wide range all over the country. Stating that Quran courses for ages 4-6 will start on September 9, Erbaş said, “Our nation has a great interest in this service. We will continue these courses at the most ideal level in every respect. No matter what anyone says or does , we will never leave our nation’s demands unanswered. We aim to continue the familiarity we provide with our children through Quran courses for the age group 4-6 with Quran course programs for the age group 7-10.”

The meeting was also attended by the Presidency of Religious Affairs High Board of Religious Affairs President Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Haçkalı, Vice Presidents Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selim Argun, Prof. Dr. Huriye Martı, Dr. Burhan İşliyen, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Hilmi Karslı, Kadir Dinç and senior executives of the Presidency.

Online Meeting from the Presidency of Religious Affairs: Statements by Ali Erbaş

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