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One Person Lost His Life After Car Overturned in Bozüyük


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A Traffic Accident News: A Car Overturned in Bozüyük, One Person Lost His Life

Bir Trafik Kazası Haberi: Bozüyük'te Otomobil Takla Attı, Bir Kişi Hayatını Kaybetti

In a traffic accident that occurred in Bozüyük district, the driver lost control of the car and it overturned. The driver was injured in the accident and one person next to him lost his life.

Bozüyük'te Otomobil Takla Atarak Bir Kişi Hayatını Kaybetti

The accident took place in the late hours on the Eskişehir-Bozüyük highway, at the Hub ramp location. The car with the license plate 65 AAT 322, driven by K.Ç., crashed into the pavement on the side of the road after the driver lost control of the steering wheel, then somersaulted and turned upside down.

In the accident, the driver of the vehicle, K.Ç., was injured, while his friend, Enes Erdem Çakın, who was with him, lost his life. The injured driver was taken to the hospital by ambulance, and Çakın’s body was taken to the hospital morgue after the prosecutor’s office and the police examined him. An investigation into the accident is ongoing.

One Person Lost His Life After Car Overturned in Bozüyük

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