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New President Elected at Elazığspor General Assembly Meeting


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Ahmet Fethi Yılmaz was elected as the President at the Elazığspor General Assembly Meeting

Ahmet Fethi Yılmaz was elected as the president at the Ordinary Financial and Extraordinary General Assembly meeting held in Elazığspor. The meeting was held at Elazığ Municipality Bünyamin Eroğlu Congress and Culture Center.

New Board of Directors Formed

Yeni Yönetim Kurulu Oluşturuldu

The new board of directors consists of the following persons:

  • Ahmet Fethi Yilmaz (President)
  • Aybars Ugurtas
  • Bahadir Kubilay
  • Burak Yol
  • Devran Dilan Elmaci
  • Erbay Sertas
  • Erkan Akpinar
  • and others…

Financial Situation of the Club

Kulübün Mali Durumu

Elazığspor’s financial situation was announced as 74 million 857 thousand 146 TL. The board of directors will continue to work on the club’s financial structuring.

New President Elected at Elazığspor General Assembly Meeting

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