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Natural Gas Explosion in İzmir Torbalı


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A natural gas explosion in the Ayrancılar Neighborhood of the Torbalı district of Izmir caused a major disaster. It was reported that there were casualties and many injuries in the explosion that occurred in a bakery shop on Barış Manço Street. Health, police and fire teams were quickly dispatched to the scene.

The Street Turned into a Battlefield

With the impact of the explosion, Barış Manço Street turned into a war zone. As a result of the explosion, thought to be caused by natural gas, the surrounding buildings were also severely damaged. Hearing the explosion, the surrounding residents took to the streets and lived in fear and panic.

The Wounded Waited for Help in the Middle of the Street

Yaralılar Sokak Ortasında Yardım Bekledi

Following the incident, 112 teams were dispatched to the area upon citizens’ notification. In the first images, the injured were seen waiting for help in the middle of the street while people rushed around to help. The teams quickly responded to the injury.

Lifeless Bodies Were Covered

Cansız Bedenlerin Üzeri Örtüldü

The bodies of those who lost their lives in the building that was reduced to rubble were covered by police teams at the scene. For security purposes, all natural gas lines in the area were shut down and precautions were taken. Fire and police teams continue to investigate the cause of the explosion.

Natural Gas Explosion in İzmir Torbalı

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