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NATO Condemns China’s Support for Russia in Ukraine Conflict


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NATO Statement on China’s Support for Russia

NATO Statement on China's Support for Russia

After decades of perceiving China as a distant threat, NATO has recently accused Beijing of playing a crucial role in supporting Russia’s war against Ukraine. NATO leaders have demanded that China cease shipments of “weapons components” and other essential technology that are aiding in the rebuilding of the Russian military.

The declaration was approved by the 32 leaders of the alliance before they convened for a dinner at the White House. This marks a significant shift for NATO, as China was not officially recognized as a concern until 2019, and even then, it was only mentioned in vague terms.

For the first time, NATO has aligned with Washington in condemning China’s military assistance to Russia. The declaration carries an implicit warning that China’s increasing support for Russia will have consequences. It states that China “cannot enable the largest war in Europe in recent history without facing negative impacts on its interests and reputation,” particularly highlighting “its large-scale support for Russia’s defense industrial base.”

NATO Condemns China's Support for Russia in Ukraine Conflict

The declaration does not specify the exact repercussions for China, but economic sanctions that restrict China’s access to global markets could be a potential measure.

Even just a year ago, European leaders hesitated to confront Beijing, especially countries like Germany, which rely on China as a key market for high-end products such as cars and luxury goods.

NATO Condemns China’s Support for Russia in Ukraine Conflict

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