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Motorcycle Traffic Police Officer Cemalcan, Who Was Martyred in Kocaeli Home


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Cemalcan Ev (27), a motorcycle traffic police officer who had a traffic accident while on duty in Kocaeli, became a martyr. Ev’s funeral was sent to his hometown Ordu after the ceremony held at the Kocaeli Police Department.

Kocaeli'de Şehit Düşen Motosikletli Trafik Polisi Cemalcan Ev

Police officer Cemalcan Ev, who works as a motorcycle traffic police within the Traffic Inspection Branch Directorate of Kocaeli’s Kartepe District Police Department, had a traffic accident with his motorcycle yesterday morning in Kartepe district D-100 Highway Köseköy location. Ev, who was taken to Kocaeli University Research and Application Hospital by the medical teams who came to the scene after the accident, could not be saved despite all the interventions and died a martyr.

A ceremony was held today at the Kocaeli Provincial Police Department for the martyred police officer. The martyred family and provincial protocol attended the ceremony. There were emotional moments at the funeral ceremony and the mother of the martyred house hugged the coffin and shed tears. Following the prayers, the body of the martyred police officer Cemalcan Ev was sent to his hometown, the Gölköy district of Ordu, to be buried.

Kocaeli'de Şehit Düşen Motosikletli Trafik Polisi Cemalcan Ev

Motorcycle Traffic Police Officer Cemalcan, Who Was Martyred in Kocaeli Home

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