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  3. Ministry Warns: Healthcare Institutions in Gaza Face Fuel Crisis!

Ministry Warns: Healthcare Institutions in Gaza Face Fuel Crisis!


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According to a statement from the ministry, Israel, which does not allow fuel to enter the occupied Gaza Strip, has reported that the fuel needed to run the generators of health institutions has reached the point of running out. In this case, the remaining hospitals, health centers and oxygen stations across Gaza could be out of service within 48 hours, the ministry said.

Although the ministry has taken strict measures to conserve available fuel, it is running out, and has called on international and human rights organizations to urgently provide generators and spare parts, as well as fuel for hospitals in Gaza.

Bakanlık Uyarıyor: Gazze'deki Sağlık Kuruluşları Yakıt Krizi İle Karşı Karşıya!

Hospital Authorities Warn: Urgent Intervention Required!

Hastane Yetkilileri Uyarıyor: Acil Müdahale Gerekiyor!

The director of the Kamal Advan Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip, Husam Abu Safiya, said in a statement that if the fuel to run the generators runs out, the hospital would be out of service within hours. Abu Safiye stressed that the closure of the only hospital in the north would pose a life-threatening risk to the babies and patients in incubators, and called for urgent intervention.

Ministry Warns: Healthcare Institutions in Gaza Face Fuel Crisis!

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