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  3. Mine Detected on ZONGULDAK Ereğli Beach

Mine Detected on ZONGULDAK Ereğli Beach


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In the Ereğli district of ZONGULDAK, a mine was detected 60 meters offshore and 5 meters deep in the sea at the beaches location of the Ereğli-Alaplı road. It was determined that the suspicious object was a mine of Ukrainian origin. Following this situation, a ban was imposed on entering the coastline and the sea.

SAS Commandos Move Into Action

SAS Komandoları Harekete Geçti

Upon notification of the incident, Coast Guard, police and municipal police teams were dispatched to the area. In order to ensure coast security, entrances to the beach area and the sea were closed. SAS commandos also began working to destroy the mine on site. Security measures were increased in the area and the beaches were evacuated.

Studies Continue

Çalışmalar Sürüyor

The work initiated to render the mine harmless continues. Underwater Defense (SAS) commandos continue their meticulous work to destroy the mine at sea. Police and municipal police teams are also supporting the work by increasing their measures to ensure security in the area.

Mine Detected on ZONGULDAK Ereğli Beach

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