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Lumbar and Cervical Disc Herniations: Common Misconceptions


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The speed and intensity of modern life play an important role in combating back and neck pain. Factors such as working long hours at a desk, poor posture habits and inactivity can trigger back and neck pain and also pave the way for serious problems.

Beware of Health Problems!

Brain, Nerve and Spinal Cord Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Candan Hundemir emphasized that back and neck pains are usually of mechanical origin and said, “Back and neck pains often occur due to muscle, ligament and joint strains. Non-surgical treatments usually respond well to these types of pains. However, real health problems “may be overlooked during these treatments, and caution should be exercised especially in cases such as back and neck hernias.”

Bel ve Boyun Fıtıkları: Doğru Bilinen Yanlışlar

Challenges That Come With Age

Op. Dr. Candan Hundemir states that the basis of lumbar and cervical disc herniations is damage to the cartilage structures between the vertebrae. These structures can lose water and become damaged with age. Worn out cartilages can put pressure on the spinal cord and cause a hernia.

Consult a Doctor in Case of Pain

Bel ve Boyun Fıtıkları: Doğru Bilinen Yanlışlar

Hundemir lists the symptoms of a herniated disc and cervical disc as follows: “Problems such as severe pain, numbness, tingling, weakness and limited movement may indicate a herniated disc or cervical disc. These symptoms should be taken seriously and a specialist should be consulted.”

Early Diagnosis is Important

Op. Dr. Candan Hundemir emphasizes that early diagnosis of lumbar and cervical disc herniations has a positive effect on the treatment process. The aim of surgical intervention is to reduce nerve pressure and improve the patient’s quality of life. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to correct posture, regular exercise and healthy living habits in order to maintain the health of the lumbar and neck.

Lumbar and Cervical Disc Herniations: Common Misconceptions

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