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Kula Mayor Arrested


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An important development occurred after Kula Mayor Hikmet Dönmez was detailed as part of the investigation into the incident in which two people were beaten in his office. Following his procedures at the District Police Department and a health check, Dönmez was arrested by the court to which he was referred and sent to prison.

CHP Members Came to the Courthouse

CHP'li İsimler Adliyeye Geldi

Party members including CHP Manisa Deputies Bekir Başevirgen and Ahmet Vehbi Bakırlıoğlu, as well as some municipality personnel, flocked to the courthouse following the arrest warrant. CHP members are waiting in front of the courthouse to support the arrested mayors.

Details of the incident

Olayın Detayları

  • The incident in which two people were injured as a result of the blows that occurred in the office of Kula Mayor Hikmet Dönmez had a great impact.
  • Detained as part of the investigation, Dönmez was arrested by judicial authorities and sent to prison.
  • CHP Manisa Deputies and party members showed their support by coming to the courthouse following the arrest warrant.

Kula Mayor Arrested

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