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İYİ Party is Shaken by Resignations


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Following the congress held in April, Meral Akşener’s departure from the party chair and the replacement of Müsavat Dervişoğlu are causing hectic days within the İYİ Party. Following the resignation of Koray Aydın, one of the founding names, the departure of former İYİ Party Ankara Provincial Chairman and former General Administration Board member Yetkin Öztürk also came to the agenda. In addition to these resignations, another critical departure occurred.

Cankaya District President Resigns

İYİ Parti İstifalarla Sarsılıyor

Lawyer who is the İYİ Party Çankaya District Chairman Dogukan Kozan, announced on his social media account that he resigned from his İYİ Party membership.

Kozan expressed the separation with the following words:

İYİ Parti İstifalarla Sarsılıyor

“I would like to thank the unsung heroes of the Brave Ones movement, my organization, our Provincial Chairman, and all my courageous comrades, and I will resign from my position as İYİ Party Çankaya District Chairman and my İYİ Party membership.”

İYİ Party is Shaken by Resignations

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