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  3. Israeli Plane Makes Emergency Landing in Antalya

Israeli Plane Makes Emergency Landing in Antalya


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Diplomatic sources reported that an El Al Airlines plane flying from the Polish capital of Warsaw to the Israeli capital of Tel Aviv made an emergency landing at Antalya Airport. When a passenger on the plane became ill, the pilots obtained the necessary permissions and made an emergency landing in Antalya.

İsrail Uçağı, Antalya'ya Acil İniş Yaptı

Plane Pilot Refuses to Refuel Allegations Denied

Uçağın Pilotu Yakıt Almayı Reddetti İddiaları Yalanlandı

There were claims that airport authorities did not allow fuel to be loaded onto the plane, but according to a statement from diplomatic sources, the situation was different. After the plane was allowed to land urgently, a procedure was initiated to provide fuel, but the captain decided to leave the airport of his own accord.

Some reports in the Israeli media claim that Antalya Airport officials refused to provide fuel because the plane was based in Israel did not turn out to be true. The plane left the airport with insufficient fuel by the pilot’s decision.

Israeli Plane Makes Emergency Landing in Antalya

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