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Israeli Airstrikes on Gaza and Their Consequences


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Israeli Airstrikes on Gaza Continue

As genocidal Israel continues its airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, the conflict in the region is escalating. The number of civilians killed in Israeli attacks is also increasing.

Heavy Losses in Israeli Army

İsrail Ordusunda Ağır Kayıplar

The Israeli army began to experience a deep military crisis after encountering strong resistance from Hamas. Despite using all of its technological and military power during the nine-month war, Israel lost 666 soldiers and 3,835 soldiers were injured. Israel, which began to have difficulty finding soldiers to fight, was forced to take new measures.

Military Service Period Increased to 3 Years

The Israeli government has decided to extend the duration of military service, following a recent move to include fanatic Jews in compulsory military service. According to Israeli media reports, the Israeli Security Cabinet has approved a plan to extend the mandatory military service for men from the current 32 months to 36 months. Accordingly, Israeli men will now serve three years of compulsory military service.

The Israeli Occupation of Gaza and Its Aftermath

İsrail'in Gazze'yi İşgali ve Sonrası

Hamas’ armed wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, launched a comprehensive attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, under the pretext of “responding to the continuous violations against Palestinians and holy values, especially the Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

Israel announced that 1,200 Israelis were killed and 5,132 injured in the attacks on October 7. Since October 7, 38,295 Palestinians have been killed, including at least 15,694 children and 10,279 women, and 88,241 people have been injured in Israel’s attacks on the Gaza Strip.

While thousands of people are still reported dead under the rubble, civilian infrastructure is also being destroyed, with hospitals and educational institutions where people take refuge being targeted. The Israeli army announced that 680 of its soldiers have died since the start of its attacks on the Gaza Strip on October 7, 324 of whom died during the land invasion.

In the “humanitarian pause” given for 4 days on November 24, 2023, and later extended for another 3 days, 81 Israeli and 240 Palestinian prisoners were mutually released. On the other hand, Israel continued to detain and imprison thousands of Palestinians. Since October 7, 2023, 572 Palestinians have lost their lives in attacks by Israeli soldiers and Israelis who have usurped Palestinian lands in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Israeli Airstrikes on Gaza and Their Consequences

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