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Interview with Former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohammed


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Dr. Mahathir Muhammed answered questions from AA correspondent. The Malaysian politician made assessments on the disregard of international values, the structure of the UN, Western support for the genocide in Gaza, the global order and the protests of the world’s youth against the injustices in the global order and the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

Values ​​in Human Civilization

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Dr. Mahathir Muhammad stated that the rejection of the fundamental values ​​produced by human civilization has a negative consequence for humanity. He emphasized that accepted values ​​such as human rights, sanctity of life, and freedom of expression have been abandoned, and that Western countries’ support for Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza violates these values.

The Palestinian Question and the International Order

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Dr. Mahathir stated that the situation in Palestine has turned into a conflict between the oppressor and the oppressed. He also argued that the fact that five countries with veto power can influence the decisions of the UN reduces the effectiveness of the UN and that the veto power should be removed or limited.

Islamic Countries and Intervention

Stating that Islamic countries were unable to effectively intervene in the Palestinian issue because they were dealing with internal problems, Dr. Mahathir criticized the decision-making process in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and called on Islamic countries to come together more effectively.

Support from Western Countries and Israel

Dr. Mahathir criticized Western countries’ support for Israel and their efforts to legitimize this support. He stated that it is contradictory to defend the rights of Israel while ignoring the rights of the Palestinian people, and emphasized that this situation is incompatible with liberal values.

Global Order and the Role of Youth

Dr. Mahathir touched upon the collapse of the global order led by the US and the importance of young people fighting for justice and human rights in this process. He stressed that it is important for young people to challenge the current order and fight for justice.

Advice to the Young Generation

Dr. Addressing the younger generation, Mahathir suggested that they stand against the current problems and defend righteous values ​​regain their governments. He stated that it is important for young people to take on leadership roles and uphold civilized values ​​and oppose government policies.

Interview with Former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohammed

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