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Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya’s Statement on Izmir Explosion


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Statement by Minister of Internal Affairs Ali Yerlikaya

Minister of Internal Affairs Ali Yerlikaya made a statement regarding the explosion that occurred in the Torbalı district of Izmir. Yerlikaya stated that 4 citizens lost their lives and 35 citizens were injured in the explosion.



  • Crime Scene: Fevzi Çakmak Neighborhood, Torbalı, İzmir
  • Cause of the Incident: Explosion thought to have been caused by an industrial cylinder
  • Results of the incident: 4 citizens lost their lives, 35 citizens were injured

Statements by Interior Minister Yerlikaya

İçişleri Bakanı Yerlikaya'nın Açıklamaları

Ali Yerlikaya:“Today, an explosion occurred in a coffeehouse located in the Fevzi Çakmak Neighborhood of Torbalı, Izmir, which is thought to have been caused by an industrial gas cylinder, according to initial findings. 2 vehicles and 9 personnel from Izmir Provincial AFAD, 8 ambulances from the Provincial Health Directorate, 2 UMKE teams and 36 personnel were dispatched to the scene of the incident. Unfortunately, 4 of our citizens lost their lives and 35 citizens were injured in the explosion. I wish God’s mercy upon our citizens who lost their lives and a speedy recovery to our injured. The investigation into the matter is ongoing. The public will be informed of the developments.”

Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya’s Statement on Izmir Explosion

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