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Heat Wave Warnings and Precautions


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Heat Wave Warnings Continue

Following meteorological warnings, a heat wave continues to affect our country. Experts have warned that the heat wave could put people at risk of heat stroke. Weakness, exhaustion, and sweating problems are among the symptoms of heat stroke.

How Does Heat Stroke Occur?

Sıcak Çarpması Nasıl Meydana Geliyor?

According to Meteorology Consultant Prof. Dr. Orhan Şen, heat stroke usually occurs as a result of difficulties in regulating body temperature. Especially at noon, when the sun is at a right angle and intense radiation is received, body temperature regulation can be disrupted. The skin, which tries to regulate body temperature by sweating, cannot evaporate even in cases of excessive sweating, which increases the risk of heat stroke.

Hot Weather Warnings and Precautions

Sıcak Hava Uyarıları ve Önlemler

Prof. Dr. Orhan Şen emphasizes that one should not go out, especially when the temperature is above 35 degrees. Şen states that extreme temperatures can pose significant risks to human health, and that the World Health Organization defines this situation as a natural disaster. Şen states that individuals with colored eyes are exposed to more radiation, and that these individuals should not go out during sunny days or should wear glasses.

Heat Wave Warnings and Precautions

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