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Harsh Reaction from Communications Director Fahrettin Altun


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Harsh Reaction from the Director of Communications

İletişim Başkanından Sert Tepki

Head of Communications Fahrettin Altun, used striking expressions in his post on the social media platform X. The highlights of Altun’s post are as follows:

  • “Look here, the killer is psychopathic!”
  • “As long as you take Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s name into that dirty mouth of yours with which you suck the blood of innocents, we will continue to support him more and stand behind him more resolutely.”
  • “There is nothing that our President and our country can learn from bloodthirsty genocidal murderers like you!”
  • “One day, you will be held accountable for the massacres you committed against our Palestinian brothers and sisters, for this disgraceful genocide you carried out!”

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İletişim Başkanı Fahrettin Altun'dan Sert Tepki

Harsh Reaction from Communications Director Fahrettin Altun

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