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Fraud Methods Increasing with the Development of Technology


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The spread of online shopping and digital financial transactions has caused fraudsters to develop new methods. Information Technology Expert Oğuzhan Saruhan states that citizens are faced with various fraud methods.


Saruhan says that scammers try to trick people by sending fake emails or messages in the name of banks, social media platforms or public institutions. These types of messages usually ask people to enter their personal or card information under the pretext of updating their account information or performing a security check. People who provide this information may fall into the hands of scammers.

Skimming (Copying)

Fraudsters copy card information by placing special devices on physical card readers. In this method, card information is copied and fake cards are created by placing devices on card readers in ATMs or stores.

Data Breaks and Cyber ​​​​Attacks

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As a result of cyberattacks on the databases of large companies or service providers, information belonging to millions of people can be stolen. This information can be used by malicious people to commit fraudulent activities. It is important to contact the bank when suspicious transactions are noticed in accounts.


Malicious software that infects computers and phones is frequently used to steal credit card information. This type of software collects users’ information without their knowledge and transfers it to fraudsters.

Social Engineering

Saruhan states that in social engineering scams, citizens are contacted by phone to obtain information. In such cases, it is important to be careful and not share personal information.

Precautions and Recommendations

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  • If you receive any suspicious messages or emails, call your bank’s customer service to confirm.
  • Only enter official websites directly and do not click on suspicious links.
  • Review your statements regularly and report any suspicious transactions.
  • Check your credit report to identify early warning signs of stolen card information being misused.
  • Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication on your online accounts.

Fraud Methods Increasing with the Development of Technology

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