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Fire Incident and Response Studies


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The fire, which started for an unknown reason, spread rapidly due to the wind and became difficult to control. After the fire was reported, various teams were quickly dispatched to the scene. These teams included the Forestry Operations Directorate, Provincial Special Administration, fire department, gendarmerie and AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management).

The following equipment and personnel were sent to the scene to combat the flames:

Yangın Olayı ve Müdahale Çalışmaları

  • 4 water tankers
  • 2 first aid vehicles
  • 2 water tankers
  • 3 fire trucks(Owned by Genç Municipality Fire Department)
  • 5 working machines(From the Special Provincial Administration)
  • 40 staff(From the Provincial Directorate of Forest Management)

With the intensive work carried out by these teams and vehicles, the aim is to bring the fire under control before it grows any further. All resources are being mobilized to extinguish the fire and security measures in the region have been increased.

Yangın Olayı ve Müdahale Çalışmaları

Fire Incident and Response Studies

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