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Explosive Attack in Mardin Mazıdağı


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Explosive Attack by Unidentified Persons in Mazıdağı, Mardin

Mardin Mazıdağı'nda Kimliği Belirsiz Kişiler Tarafından Yapılan Patlayıcı Saldırısı

An attack carried out by an unidentified person or persons using handmade explosives in Mazıdağı, Mardin, caused fearful moments for the residents of the neighborhood at night.

The attack took place in the Karşıyaka Neighborhood. According to the violation, a handmade explosive made of an unidentified substance was detonated in a ruined house opposite the Karşıyaka Mosque.

Panic Created by the Incident in the Neighborhood

The residents of the neighborhood were in great panic due to the explosion. There were no injuries, and after the incident, citizens immediately reported the situation to the police.

Images Emerged

Görüntüler Ortaya Çıktı

Police teams arriving at the scene have launched an investigation. Security camera footage of the explosive attack has also emerged.

Explosive Attack in Mardin Mazıdağı

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