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European Parliament Alliance is Established


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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban met with Austrian Freedom Party (FPOe) leader Herbert Kickl and Dissatisfied Citizens Movement (ANO) leader former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis and announced that they will establish a new European Parliament (EP) alliance.

“We take responsibility for launching this new platform and this new group. I want to make it clear that this is our goal,” Orban said at a press conference in Hungary, which will take over the rotating leadership of the European Union (EU) .

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Orban stated that they created a road map promising peace, security and development with the “patriotic manifesto” signed by Austrian Freedom Party (FPOe) leader Herbert Kickl and Dissatisfied Citizens Movement (ANO) leader former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis. Orban emphasized that the new alliance needs to receive support from 4 more countries in order to be recognized as a group in the EU Parliament.

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At the meeting, Orban, Kickl and Babis announced that they would work for a strong European policy under the slogan “Make Europe Great Again” and give a new direction to European politics.

European Parliament Alliance is Established

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