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Erzurum Chamber of Commerce and Industry Assembly Meeting


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The June Assembly Meeting of Erzurum Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ETSO) was held under the chairmanship of Assembly President Gökhan Yılmaz. The meeting held at the ETSO Assembly Hall started with a moment of silence and then the reading of the National Anthem. Later at the meeting, ETSO’s May Trial Balance and Budget Monitoring Report was discussed and approved.

At the meeting, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors Muharrem Özdemir informed the members of the Assembly about the activities of the Board of Directors in June. Providing information about the latest situation regarding the expansion of the 2nd OIZ 3rd Stage area, which attracted great interest from entrepreneurs who want to invest in Erzurum, Özdemir stated that they, as ETSO, are close followers of the process.

Speaking about the vocational training campus planned to be established on a 140-decare area on the Erzurum-Aziziye highway, which is owned by the ETSO Foundation, Özdemir said, Minister of National Education Prof. Dr. He stated that Yusuf Tekin visited the area and examined the project.

Özdemir said, “During the visit accompanied by our representatives and the provincial protocol, our Chairman of the Board of Directors Saim Özakalın, our Board Member Fırat Karakaya and our Assembly Member Abdullah Samancı gave information to our Minister about the vocational-technical education project of our foundation. Our Chamber and our Foundation, with this project, “We will not only provide our young people with professional skills, but also train them in accordance with the needs of our industry and provide them with the best education opportunities, allowing them to look to the future with confidence.” said.

Erzurum Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası Meclis Toplantısı

At the meeting, it was stated that President Özakalın went to Ankara to attend the OSBÜK Financial General Assembly and held important meetings. He also informed the Assembly members about the activities of the ETSO Arbitration and Mediation Center, which continues its activities within the ETSO, professional committee consultation meetings, the work of the Youth and Women Entrepreneurship Boards and member visits.

Meeting Details

Toplantı Detayları

Speaker of the AssemblyGokhan Yilmaz
Assembly Meeting DateJune
meeting placeETSO Assembly Hall

Erzurum Chamber of Commerce and Industry Assembly Meeting

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