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Erdogan’s ‘World is Bigger than 5’ Message at the United Nations General Assembly


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Erdogan’s Message at the United Nations General Assembly

Erdoğan'ın Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Kurulu'ndaki Mesajı

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attracted international attention with his statement “The world is bigger than 5” at the 74th United Nations General Assembly held in New York. These words symbolize the search for justice and equality around the world. Finally, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated that the absence of permanent African representation in the Security Council was “unacceptable” and underlined the need for reform in this regard.

“Your opinion on reforming the UNSC is valuable”

President Erdoğan responded to Guterres’ important post, saying: “It is extremely valuable for the world to have a fair system again if you sincerely and loudly express your views on the reform of the United Nations Security Council in line with today’s conditions.”He spoke as follows.

Erdoğan'dan Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Kurulu'nda 'Dünya 5’ten Büyüktür' Mesajı

Erdogan’s response to Guterres is as follows:

“Mr. Secretary General, it is of great importance for the world to attain a more just system if you sincerely and loudly express your views on the reform of the United Nations Security Council in a fair and compatible manner with today’s conditions. The African continent and all our African brothers must definitely be given the opportunity to contribute to this just system. In order for wars not to spread further in our world, for more people and societies not to suffer, and for innocent blood not to be shed; essential that the structure of the UN Security Council undergoes a radical change. This is what humanity expects from us. As a response to these expectations, we will continue to say “The World is Bigger than 5” and act with the understanding of “A. More Just World is Possible”. As Turkey, we will continue to stand by all our friends who sincerely strive for a just international order and the formation of a United Nations Security Council that is compatible with today’s conditions.”

Erdogan’s ‘World is Bigger than 5’ Message at the United Nations General Assembly

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