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Emergency Declaration from the World Health Organization Regarding Monkeypox Virus


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The World Health Organization (WHO) decided to declare a worldwide emergency due to increasing cases of Monkey Pox Virus, especially in the African continent. This virus, transmitted through physical contact and infected animals, has claimed the lives of more than 600 people so far. Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology from Medipol Hospital. Dr. Hüsrev Diktaş and Lecturer Rıdvan Dumlu conveyed the details of this disease to Yeni Şafak.

Ways of Transmission of the Virus

Virüsün Bulaşma Yolları

Monkeypox Virus received this name because it was first identified in a monkey in 1958. Assoc. Dr. While Hüsrev Diktaş stated that there is no definitive data about the origin of the virus, “It has been observed in mice, squirrels and monkeys in Africa. The first human case was recorded in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1970. “It has come to the fore again with the epidemic in 2022,” he said.

Explaining the ways of transmission of the virus, Diktaş said, “It can be transmitted through close skin contact, face-to-face conversation, breathing and long-term close contact, and the spread of droplets. In addition, bedding, towels and clothes used by infected patients are also an important source of contamination. There is also a risk of transmitting the virus to the child during pregnancy and birth. For this reason, pregnant women should be extremely careful,” he said.

Past Cases in Turkey

Monkeypox disease was also seen in Turkey during the epidemic in 2022. Stating that the drugs used in smallpox were used during the treatment process, Diktaş said, “In most cases, the disease can resolve spontaneously without causing a serious condition. The smallpox vaccine was administered until 1980, and its protective effect has been proven. However, since no vaccination has been administered since this date, protection has not been detected in individuals born after 1980.”

Emphasizing that Monkeypox Virus is not as risky as Covid-19 in terms of contagion, Diktaş said, “This disease is from the smallpox virus group and is not as deadly; But it is an issue that needs attention. Smallpox was completely eradicated by effective vaccination methods by 1980. “We do not see this virus anymore, but then the monkeypox virus emerged,” he said.

Not a Fatal Disease

Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Specialist from Medipol Hospital. Reminding that the virus causes rashes on the skin, Rıdvan Dumlu said, “The disease has an average incubation period of 14 days. After this period, symptoms such as fever, swollen lymph nodes, weakness and headache are observed for 1-3 days before the disease. Then, widespread rashes appear on the body. “While the disease is generally self-limited in individuals with normal immune systems, it can have serious consequences in patients with weak immune systems,” he said. He also emphasized that the mortality rate of this disease is low.

Situation in Turkey

Türkiye'de Durum

The Ministry of Health reported that M pox (mpox) disease, which is seen in the African continent and is popularly known as monkeypox, has not been encountered in Turkey. The Ministry announced that there are no restrictions or additional measures required yet. In the statement, “There is no need for any restrictions or additional measures in our country yet. “Our Ministry continues the necessary studies and follows the process carefully with our scientific committee and health infrastructure.”

Emergency Declaration from the World Health Organization Regarding Monkeypox Virus

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