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Educational Opportunities and Dual Degree Programs at the International University of Sarajevo


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Sarajevo Education Development Foundation (SEDEF) and International University of Sarajevo (IUS)

Saraybosna Eğitim Geliştirme Vakfı (SEDEF) ve Uluslararası Saraybosna Üniversitesi (IUS)

The International University of Sarajevo (IUS) aims to contribute to education by offering various advantages such as dual diplomas to newly enrolled students. IUS Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yıldırım announced that the university started education with its first students in 2004 and that they will open the Faculty of Health Sciences as of the 2024-2025 academic year.

Yıldırım stated that the university will continue to provide education in 6 faculties and 19 departments in the new term, “We provide high rates of scholarships to Bosnian students in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We organize a scholarship exam to determine these scholarships. Over 300 Bosnian students have registered so far. The results of the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) in Turkey have been announced and the students who will make their preferences based on the results of this exam are planning to choose and register at our university. This year, we are expecting a record number of students from Turkey through the Evaluation, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM). “We currently have 2,500 students and this number will approach 3,000 with the students who will come this year. Since all our programs will be included in the ÖSYM preference guide, we are expecting more students from Turkey.”He used the expressions.

Dual Degree Programs and Opportunities

Offering many opportunities to students who will enroll in the university, Yıldırım emphasized that dormitory opportunities are available for both male and female students. Stating that they have the largest university campus in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yıldırım said, “We have the means to meet all the daily needs of a student. Our university has been ranked first among private universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the last seven years. Among state universities, it is ranked between third and fifth, depending on the year . Our dual degree programs will continue for a long time. The number of dual degree programs with Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul University and Marmara University has reached 16 this year.”He spoke as follows.

Yıldırım stated that students in the dual diploma program spend their preparatory education and the first two years in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the remaining two years in Istanbul. “Our university plays an active role in the international community by organizing conferences, workshops and seminars. Last year, the Balkan Studies Center hosted ambassadors from various countries in Europe and around the world. We aim to increase the number of such events and provide our “We have faculty members from 14 different countries and students from more than 40 countries.”said.

Graduates’ Success and Language Education

Mezunların Başarıları ve Dil Eğitimi

Yıldırım said that graduates can receive equivalence in Turkey, that they maintain connections with alumni, and that graduates take on important roles in many parts of the world, which is a great source of pride for them.

Oben Ceylan, a second-year law student studying at IUS, stated that he learned English and Bosnian and that he was working to specialize in international arbitration. Gazelle, “Thanks to the support IUS provided me in international arbitration competitions, I had the opportunity to work with many international institutes. After graduation, I plan to specialize in international arbitration using the languages ​​​​I learned and the education I received at IUS.”said.

Another student studying at the faculty of law, Doğukan Kılıç, stated that he studies legal issues between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey at the law firm in Turkey. Sword, “Studying at IUS has helped me a lot in terms of language learning. I strongly recommend new graduates to come to Sarajevo to get to know a different culture.”He concluded his words as follows.

Educational Opportunities and Dual Degree Programs at the International University of Sarajevo

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