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CBRT July Inflation Report Announced


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CBRT Published July Inflation Report

TCMB Temmuz Ayı Enflasyon Raporunu Yayımladı

The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) shared its inflation report for July with the public. The report emphasized that annual inflation showed a significant decrease in all main groups. CBRT included the following information in its “July Price Developments” report:

Consumer prices increased by 3.23% in July, while annual inflation decreased by 9.82 points to 61.78%. The report states: “Annual inflation declined in all major groups due to the high base effect.”The statement was given.

TCMB Temmuz Ayı Enflasyon Raporu Açıklandı

The evaluations made in the report were listed as follows:

  • Monthly price increases have strengthened compared to the previous month; lump sum tax updates and price increases in managed and directed items had a significant impact on these developments.
  • In the energy group, high price increases were noted in July following the increase in residential electricity tariffs and the automatic tax regulation on fuel oil and bottled gas.
  • While monthly inflation in the food group has remained almost flat, fresh fruit and vegetable prices, which have increased above seasonal averages, have prevented a more positive outlook.
  • Monthly price increases continued strongly in the services group, and price increases were observed to rise across subgroups.
  • On the other hand, core goods inflation continued to remain at low levels. As a result of exchange rate and domestic demand developments, durable goods prices showed a moderate increase, and the decline in furniture prices was notable.
  • While monthly producer inflation increased due to the energy group, annual producer inflation decreased significantly due to the high base effect.
  • With seasonally adjusted data, monthly increase rates of B and C indicators showed a limited increase compared to the previous month, but remained below the second quarter average. Annual inflation of core indicators also showed a decline.

In light of these data, it is expected to have significant impacts on the CBRT’s inflation targets and monetary policy strategies. The decline in inflation is considered a positive development in terms of the general health of the economy.

CBRT July Inflation Report Announced

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