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  3. BOTAŞ: Claims of Oil Exports to Israel Are Unfounded

BOTAŞ: Claims of Oil Exports to Israel Are Unfounded


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The Petroleum Pipeline Corporation (BOTAŞ) announced that recent claims that oil being exported to Israel are unfounded.

BOTAŞ: İsrail'e Petrol İhraç Edildiği İddiaları Asılsız

In an official statement from BOTAŞ, it was stated that the claims that the company exported oil to Israel did not reflect the truth. The statement emphasized the need for the public to be informed correctly.

The statement also included the following statements: “BOTAŞ does not have any activity in the sale and trade of crude oil. We would like to state once again that the victims are unfounded and the company does not engage in such activities.”

BOTAŞ: İsrail'e Petrol İhraç Edildiği İddiaları Asılsız

BOTAŞ: Claims of Oil Exports to Israel Are Unfounded

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