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Arrest of Kula Mayor Hikmet Dönmez and Statement from CHP Provincial Chairman İlksen Özalper


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Arrest of Kula Mayor Hikmet Donmez

Kula Belediye Başkanı Hikmet Dönmez'in Tutuklanması

Following the arrest of Kula Mayor Hikmet Dönmez on charges of ‘inciting looting’, the first statement came from CHP Manisa Provincial Chairman İlksen Özalper. Chairman Özalper stated that they would make another comprehensive statement to the public in order not to harm the investigation due to the ongoing judicial process.

Statement from CHP Provincial Chairman İlksen Özalper

CHP İl Başkanı İlksen Özalper'den Açıklama

CHP Manisa Provincial Chairman İlksen Özalper made his first statement following the brawl that occurred in Kula Municipality on Thursday, June 27, and led to the arrest of Mayor Hikmet Dönmez, driver MOA and bodyguard RG. Underlining that they were following the process meticulously, Chairman Özalper stated that they would make a comprehensive statement to the public after the completion of the judicial process.

Mayor Özalper said, “We are sadly following the serious violation reflected in the public opinion in our Kula Municipality. The legal process regarding our Mayor Hikmet Dönmez and 2 of our employees is ongoing. Our Mayor and 2 of our employees were arrested and sent to prison. We are making our statement with great care and sensitivity in order not to harm the investigation due to the ongoing legal process. While we express our great sadness due to the serious events that have occurred, we will make another comprehensive statement to the public after the legal process regarding the violation in question. Our legal unit is following the investigation in order to ensure that the process is carried out fairly.”

Arrest of Kula Mayor Hikmet Dönmez and Statement from CHP Provincial Chairman İlksen Özalper

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