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Animal Lovers Protest for Street Dogs in ANKARA


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A group of animal lovers in Ankara reacted to claims that stray dogs would be put to sleep. Approximately 500 animal lovers gathered in front of the Victory Monument in Ulus and protested by claiming that there was a provision in the draft law prepared regarding stray dogs that stated that ‘stray dogs that are not adopted within 30 days will be put to sleep’. The group said, Don’t be silent, shout out, don’t be massacred” And ” The state does not kill, the state makes people live” they chanted slogans.

ANKARA'da Hayvanseverlerden Sokak Köpekleri İçin Eylem

Speaking on behalf of the group Haydar Özkan, Vice President of the Confederation of Animal Rights to Life“The Western model of putting people to sleep is killing. Collecting them and waiting for a month is the second plan to kill them. We want to talk about solutions that will be an example for all of humanity, not the West, which does not hesitate to exploit the whole world for its own welfare, which burns even babies in Gaza and supports Israel, which commits to genocide, but our own culture. The solution is not to kill the natural, but to prevent birth. Killing what God created is to defy the divine order. We hope that our great Assembly will not sign such a mistake,” he said.

ANKARA'da Hayvanseverlerden Sokak Köpekleri İçin Eylem

Animal Lovers Protest for Street Dogs in ANKARA

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