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AK Party Central Executive Board Meeting: Situation in Gaza and International Relations


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AK Party Central Executive Board Meeting and the Situation in Gaza

The AK Party Central Executive Board (MYK) discussed important issues at a meeting chaired by President Tayyip Erdoğan. Party Spokesperson Ömer Çelik evaluated the agenda of the meeting and the humanitarian situation in Gaza. Çelik stated that everyone’s agenda was the painful picture in Gaza, and said, “This picture is getting more intense. Even the fact that people are moving inside Gaza to escape death in the great wave of migration reveals the poverty and deprivation experienced there. In the recent bombings, even the bodies of people cannot be reached.”

Netanyahu Government and the Call for Trial

Netanyahu Hükümeti ve Yargılanma Çağrısı

Çelik emphasized that the Netanyahu government is the most genocidal government in human history and said, “This government must definitely be put on trial.” Çelik stated that European countries, especially France, Germany and England, have called for full humanitarian access to Gaza, and said, “These calls are not only from the Islamic world, but from countries with any democracy. However, Israel does not comply with these calls and causes more people to die.”

The International Community and Israel’s Attitude

Çelik said, “When the international community’s will for a ceasefire increases, we see Israel carrying out an assassination or an attack. “This is an attitude Israel has taken to sabotage the ceasefire.” Çelik also stated that the Israeli Foreign Minister was acting like Hitler’s minister, and said, “Netanyahu’s government is competing in massacre and immorality. Most recently, the Israeli Finance Minister argued that it was Israel’s right to leave the people of Gaza to starve. “We are faced with such murder networks.”

Calls for Peace and Attacks

Çelik pointed out that the killing of Haniyeh at a time when he was calling for peace was quite significant, and said, “While calls for peace were being made, Israel’s response was to bomb a school.” This situation once again revealed how difficult it is to achieve peace in the region.

Kirkuk Elections and the Situation in Iraq

Kerkük Seçimleri ve Irak'taki Durum

Responding to a question about the PUK’s election as governor in the elections held in Kirkuk, Çelik said, “We are in favor of an inclusive policy in Iraq. It is extremely wrong for the PUK to display an attitude that excludes Turkmens, Arabs and the KDP. “Such an approach is not good for Iraq and is unacceptable for Kirkuk.” Çelik emphasized that such steps could lead to wrong results.

AK Party’s Anniversary and Kılıçdaroğlu’s Message

Reminding that August 14th is the anniversary of the foundation of the AKP, Çelik said, “We invite our entire nation to listen to the speech of our President on this special day. “We will celebrate our 23rd year with the dynamism of our party that was 18 years old.” Responding to the claims that President Erdoğan and former CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu will come together, Çelik said, “There is no message sent by our President to Kılıçdaroğlu.”

New Constitution Studies

The AKP will begin work on a “new constitution” in October. In this context, it was reported that work has accelerated in line with the goal of preparing a civil and democratic constitution. The AKP Political and Legal Affairs Directorate will first organize a workshop with the participation of academics and lawyers. The workshop will discuss “what kind of constitution” there should be and the form of constitutional work. The results of the workshop will be compiled into a report and presented to President Tayyip Erdoğan.

AK Party Central Executive Board Meeting: Situation in Gaza and International Relations

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