Son Yazılar


Hamza Dağ’s Statements at the AK Party Organization Picnic

Hamza Dağ made important statements at the AK Party Organization Picnic. Dağ, who drew attention with his informative speech about the party’s future, goals and projects, gave hope to the participants.


Conflict Between Ethiopia and Somalia: Turkey’s Mediation Efforts

An in-depth examination of the roots and consequences of the conflict between Ethiopia and Somalia. Learn about Turkey’s mediation efforts to resolve this historic conflict and its contributions to peace in the region.


Ankara’da ‘Yeni Dönem Başkanlar Buluşması’ Toplantısı ve ABD’nin Rolü

Ankara’da gerçekleşen ‘Yeni Dönem Başkanlar Buluşması’ toplantısında, ABD’nin rolü ve etkileri ele alınıyor. Bu önemli buluşma, uluslararası ilişkilerdeki güncel dinamikleri ve Türkiye-ABD ilişkilerini derinlemesine inceliyor.


Irak’ın Kuzeyinde PKK’ya Yönelik Terörle Mücadele Operasyonları

Irak’ın kuzeyinde PKK’ya yönelik terörle mücadele operasyonları, bölgedeki güvenlik dinamiklerini nasıl etkiliyor? Bu yazıda, operasyonların stratejisi, sonuçları ve bölge halkı üzerindeki etkileri ele alınıyor.


İmamoğlu’s Allegation of Partisanship and Responses

İmamoğlu responds to accusations of partisanship in his latest statements. İmamoğlu’s views and responses are intriguing in these discussions that affect the political agenda. Check out our article for details!


President Erdoğan’s Peace and Cooperation Messages to Ethiopia

President Erdoğan sent messages of peace and cooperation to Ethiopia. He emphasized the strengthening of relations between the two countries, economic cooperation and regional stability.


President Erdoğan Received the Sons of Ismail Haniyeh

President Erdoğan received the sons of Ismail Haniyeh, one of the important figures of the Palestinian Resistance, and gave important messages about international relations and the Palestinian issue. Details in our news!


Minister Murat Kurum’s Response to İmamoğlu and Statements on Combating Mucilage

Minister Murat Kurum also shared his statements on the fight against mucilage while responding to İmamoğlu. Discover the Minister’s views in this content full of important information and solution suggestions on environmental problems.


Minister Kurum Attended the AK Party Provincial Advisory Council Meeting in Kocaeli

Minister Kurum attended the AK Party Provincial Consultation Assembly Meeting held in Kocaeli and evaluated the party’s work and local projects. He made important statements about the development and future of Kocaeli at the meeting.


New Registration Regulations in Turkish Schools in France

An informative guide to the new enrolment regulations for Turkish schools in France. These changes provide important information for families on how to enrol their children and how they will affect the education process.


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