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Accusations and Threats from UKLFI to ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan


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UKLFI’s Accusations Against ICC Chief Prosecutor Khan

UKLFI'den UCM Başsavcısı Han'a Yönelik Suçlamalar

The UK Foundation for International Law and Justice (UKLFI) accused International Criminal Court (ICC) Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan of requesting an “arrest warrant” for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. This accusation was contained in a letter published on the UKLFI’s official website.

In the letter, it was claimed that Khan making such a request “despite not presenting sufficient evidence to the court” to issue an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and Gallant was against the professional rules of the British Bar Association. UKLFI argued that this situation violated Khan’s professional ethics rules and warned that this situation could have serious consequences.

Threats and Pressures

Tehditler ve Baskılar

The letter threatened Khan with various “additional actions” if he did not reconsider the request. In this context, it was stated that Han should make a decision within 7 days to review the arrest request. It was also emphasized that the Court should not take a decision during this period. It was stated that the step Han will take will be decisive in terms of “whether additional actions will be implemented.”

Statement from the ICC Prosecutor’s Office

The ICC Prosecutor’s Office answered the AA correspondent’s questions regarding the letter sent by UKLFI to the Chief Public Prosecutor and confirmed that the 25-page letter had reached the ICC. The prosecutor’s office stated that the arrest request regarding the complaint in the letter was subject to the evaluation of the ICC judges and announced that they would not comment further on this issue.

He also said about the issue of reporting Khan to the British Bar: “The UKLFI must decide for itself what is appropriate within the framework of its ethical responsibilities and duties not to mislead the Bar.” The statement was included.

Threats Have No Effect

The ICC Prosecutor’s Office emphasizes that threats made due to the investigation carried out against Israeli officials will not be taken into account and said, “The ICC Prosecutor’s Office underlines that it will not be affected by any threats or harassment while fulfilling its Rome Statute responsibilities independently and impartially.” He made a statement.

Stating that the Chief Public Prosecutor was elected by the Council of States Parties to the Court and that this situation does not fall within the scope of activity of the British Bar Association, the Prosecutor’s Office said, “The conditions regarding the selection and qualifications of the Prosecutor is a matter that concerns the Assembly of States Parties.” He made an evaluation as follows.

Opinions of the Relevant Academician

Nottingham Trent University Lecturer Dr. Luigi Daniele stated that the pressure on the ICC Chief Prosecutor “shows the desperation” of pro-Israel groups. Dr. Daniele stated that the people in Western countries, including the UK, have become aware of Israel’s unlawful and brutal attacks on Palestinians, leading to such unfounded claims.

Dr. Daniele said, “If you do not have a serious legal basis against the prosecutor, you resort to pressure and threats in this way.” He emphasized that those working in this field know that these accusations are unfounded and unfounded. He also stated that UKLFI’s letter attempted to whitewash Israel’s crimes.

“There are statements in the letter that Gallant only meant Gaza city center with his statements regarding the complete siege of Gaza, or that abandoning the people of Gaza to complete starvation is not a war crime. Even these statements show that this pressure on the Chief Prosecutor should not be taken seriously, legally.” made his assessment.

Dr. Daniele emphasized that UKLFI’s efforts are part of an overall plan by Israel’s supporters to put pressure on international organizations and courts. “The tactics of character assassination, threats, blackmail and pressuring individuals and institutions with false accusations are no longer valid, no one takes them seriously.” he said

Accusations and Threats from UKLFI to ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan

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