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Mawlid-i Nabi Week and Mosques and Religious Officials Week Promotion Program


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President of Religious Affairs Ali Erbaş made important statements at the Mawlid-i Nabi Week and Mosques and Religious Officials Week Promotion Program held at the Presidency. Reminding the verse “We sent you only as a mercy to the worlds”, Erbaş said that humanity’s Hz. He stated that he was waiting for the mercy that would arise from Muhammad’s sending. Erbaş said, “The poor, the oppressed, the girls buried alive in the ground were waiting for him. Today, the Delicates are waiting for the mercy and compassion he brought to humanity. The Delicates, Ayşes, and Fatmas of Gaza and Palestine are “waiting for his compassion and mercy. They are crying out for help.” “It makes the sky groan, but humanity is blind and deaf. Consciences are dead, hearts are rusty.” he said

This year, the theme of Mawlid-i Nebi Week and Mosques and Religious Officials Week has been determined as “Our Prophet and Personality Building”. Erbaş stated that on the occasion of this theme, they will re-evaluate the good morals and distinguished personality of our Prophet. “We will take a closer look at how he raised the most distinguished generation in history from people lost in the vortex of ignorance.” he added.

Hz. Emphasizing the need to understand Muhammad in all his aspects, Erbaş said, “Today, humanity is about to completely lose values ​​such as peace, law, trust and hope. Those who set out with exciting sentences and big promises in the Western- centered change since the 18th century have thrown the whole humanity into great chaos.” “Humanity, which has forgotten compassion in its ambition to become worldly, has come to the point of losing its conscience.” he said

Erbaş stated that in this process, the price of throwing the Creator and the values ​​​​he offered to the earth out of life is the collapse of the value system, and said, “The only way to save humanity from this turbulence today is to revive and rebuild the lost values ​​under the guidance of revelation.” he said

Hz. Stating that Muhammad struggled to build a solid and unshakable personality, Erbaş said, “The Messenger of Allah followed this path at a time when knowledge, wisdom, knowledge, wisdom and virtue were lost and ignorance and violence dominated life, and he constantly encouraged his life.” companions to seek knowledge, education, reading and “He encouraged research. Thus, he raised individuals with personalities who will set an example and lead humanity in all areas of life, on the axis of monotheism, faith, servitude and values.” he said.

Mevlid-i Nebi Haftası ve Camiler ile Din Görevlileri Haftası Tanıtım Programı

Erbaş stated that all values ​​​​should be revived following the example of the Prophet and said, “We have to make maximum efforts to build and establish good moral-centered thoughts, words, attitudes and actions.” he said In addition, “We are obliged to make our work more efficient in order to raise a virtuous, conscientious, moral, honest and well-personalized generation that integrates knowledge and wisdom under the guidance of the Quran and the Sunnah, and learns scientific developments together with the values ​​that make life meaningful.” he said

Mevlid-i Nebi Haftası ve Camiler ile Din Görevlileri Haftası Tanıtım Programı

We believe that only such a generation, raised on the axis of the life-giving values ​​of Islam and taking the life of our Prophet as an example, will change the bad fortune of the world, which witnessed the most depressed period of history in the spiral of oppression, violence and savagery.

Reminding that mosques are one of the basic building blocks in the formation of Islamic civilization, Erbaş said, “Throughout Islamic history, mosques have been at the center of religious, social and cultural life, and have performed vital functions as places of worship, science , culture and brotherhood.” he said Erbaş stated that Muslims built safe cities by embracing the values ​​represented by the mosque, and that they built the Islamic civilization where human values ​​are at the forefront in cities where prosperity and peace are experienced.

Erbaş stated that, as the Presidency, they will organize various events at home and abroad during Mawlid-i Nabi Week and Mosques and Religious Officials Week. At the end of the program, he presented awards to those who were successful in the beautiful call to prayer, effective sermon presentation, hadith memorization and project competitions organized during the week this year.

Mawlid-i Nabi Week and Mosques and Religious Officials Week Promotion Program

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