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The New Right: Redefining American Conservatism


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The Emergence of the New Right: A New Chapter in American Conservatism

The Emergence of the New Right: A New Chapter in American Conservatism

In recent years, a diverse coalition of conservative thinkers, journalists, publications, and think tanks has crystallized under the banner of the New Right. With Senator JD Vance, who is often viewed as a potential running mate for Donald Trump, leading the charge, this still-evolving group is frequently recognized as the intellectual backbone of the MAGA movement. Many observers even suggest that it represents the future trajectory of American conservatism. The very designation of the ‘New Right’ signals a fundamental departure from the Republican past—“very nascent, very bleeding edge,” as Vivek Ramaswamy, a former presidential candidate, aptly described it. But just how revolutionary is the New Right?

Ascribing coherence to such a varied assemblage is a challenging task, particularly given its membership, which includes individuals ranging from the relatively restrained Vance and his Senate colleague Josh Hawley to a motley crew of self-identified neo-monarchists, techno-libertarians, and right-wing Marxists.

Despite this diversity, certain unifying themes emerge. Central to the New Right’s ideology is the conviction that many of America’s challenges stem from a liberal elite that has entrenched itself within the federal government, the news media, Hollywood, large corporations, and academia. This group, which Vance refers to as “the regime,” and Curtis Yarvin, a significant influence on Vance, terms “the Cathedral,” is viewed as the root cause of the nation’s woes.

The New Right: Redefining American Conservatism

The New Right’s stance transcends mere rhetorical populism aimed at out-of-touch bureaucrats: they contend that liberalism is actively detrimental to the country, siphoning wealth from hardworking Americans into the hands of Washington insiders and Wall Street moguls, all while branding any dissent as racist or fascist.

In stark contrast, the New Right envisions a nostalgic nationalism that harkens back to a small-town America characterized by decentralized governance—a concept they term a “front porch republic.” This ideal society is one where “good” jobs are accessible to all and faith serves as the bedrock of community life. As Hawley articulated earlier this year in Compact, a prominent New Right publication: “If conservatives truly value healthy towns, schools, and churches, as they often claim, they should champion the types of work and wages that sustain these institutions and make them viable.”

The New Right: Redefining American Conservatism

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