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Israeli Soldier Killed in Gaza Clashes


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Soldier Who Died in Conflict

Çatışmalarda Hayatını Kaybeden Asker

An official statement by the Israeli Army said that 19-year-old Sergeant Uri Ashkenazi Nekhemia was killed during clashes in the southern areas of the Gaza Strip. However, no information was given as to where exactly Nekhemia died.

The young soldier from the city of Ascalon was serving in the 46th Armored Battalion. The news of his death was delivered to his family, and it was a source of deep sorrow for everyone.

Gazze'deki Çatışmalarda Hayatını Kaybeden İsrail Askeri

It was announced that since October 7, 2023, with the start of the land occupation of Gaza, the number of Israeli soldiers who died has reached 695 in total, 331 of whom died during the conflicts.

Israeli Soldier Killed in Gaza Clashes

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