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Landmark Report Reveals Extensive Abuse in New Zealand Institutions


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More than 200,000 individuals in New Zealand have reportedly endured abuse at the hands of state and religious organizations entrusted with their care, according to a groundbreaking independent inquiry’s final report released on Wednesday. The Royal Commission of Inquiry Into Abuse in Care detailed disturbing accounts of abuse, including sexual assault, electric shocks, chemical restraints, medical experimentation, sterilization, starvation, and beatings. The victims, many of whom were children placed in state, religious, or foster care, suffered for years or even decades, with some facing a lifetime of trauma that led to unmarked graves.

In a poignant statement, Coral Shaw, the inquiry’s chair, characterized the widespread abuse as an “unthinkable national catastrophe.” The findings of the investigation were presented to New Zealand’s Parliament, prompting an emotional response from Prime Minister Christopher Luxon.

Landmark Report Reveals Extensive Abuse in New Zealand Institutions

“I cannot erase your pain, but I can assure you that today, your voices are heard and your stories are believed,” said Prime Minister Luxon during a news conference. He acknowledged the profound betrayal experienced by survivors, emphasizing that the government’s duty to care and protect had been gravely violated, resulting in unimaginable physical, emotional, mental, and sexual harm.

Prime Minister Luxon announced that a formal apology to survivors would be issued in November, and he pledged to establish a redress process. While the cost of compensating victims was not disclosed during the announcement, the inquiry hinted that the financial implications could potentially amount to billions of dollars.

Landmark Report Reveals Extensive Abuse in New Zealand Institutions

Landmark Report Reveals Extensive Abuse in New Zealand Institutions

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