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Elon Musk Reacts to the EU Commission


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Elon Musk reacted after the EU Commission announced that the X platform had violated the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA) regarding its dark models, advertising transparency and data access to researchers. Musk made a statement on his social media account regarding the issue, saying, “The EU Commission offered an illegal secret deal: If we quietly censored the conversation without telling anyone, they would not fine us. Other platforms accepted this deal. X did not “

Elon Musk'tan AB Komisyonu'na Tepki

Details of the incident

Olayın Detayları

The EU Commission announced that it had forwarded preliminary findings to X in its investigation into the platform X that the company had violated the Digital Services Act. According to the Commission’s statement, the investigation found that the platform X’s blue checkmark was designed to mislead users and was being exploited by malicious actors. It was also stated that X had inadequate advertising transparency and did not provide researchers with the necessary data access.

The Commission’s statement stated that X could argue that by reviewing the documents in the investigation file in the upcoming period and that if the preliminary findings are confirmed, X could be fined up to 6 percent of its total annual worldwide turnover and that the company may also be required to take measures to remedy the violation.

Elon Musk Reacts to the EU Commission

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