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98th Gazi Race Excitement


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The 98th Gazi Race, one of the biggest organizations in Turkish racing history and organized in the name of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, was held at the Istanbul Veliefendi Hippodrome. 22 British thoroughbreds competed in the race held on the 2,400-metre grass track.

Winner Name: Dragon Flame

Kazanan İsim: Dragon Flame

The Gazi Race was won by the thoroughbred Dragon Flame, jockeyed by Akın Sözen, with a time of 2.28.36. Jockey Akın Sözen stated that he was very happy after the victory and said, “I am living my dreams right now.” The thoroughbred Dragon Flame, who won the race, received great applause from the stands.

Award Ceremony

Ödül Töreni

At the award ceremony, the cup was presented to the owner of the champion horse, Emrah Agun, by the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Chairman of the Board of High Commissioners, Ebubekir Gizligider. The trainer of the winning horse, Engin Bekiroğulları, received his plaque from the Governor of Istanbul, Davut Gül. The award was presented to Akın Sözen by the 1st Army and Istanbul Garrison Commander, General Ali Sivri, and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu.

Thanks and Pride

Speaking about Akın Sözen’s victory, owner Emrah Agun said, “We always dreamed of this day. Well done to the whole team who made this happen today. We are very honored, very proud. Thank you very much for coming.” Trainer Engin Bekiroğulları shared his feelings and said, “I had the opportunity to run this race many times. I lost with second places. I really wanted to win. Today was my destiny. Thank you.”

98th Gazi Race Excitement

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