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  3. 2024-YKS Preference Process Has Started!

2024-YKS Preference Process Has Started!


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According to the announcement made by the Presidency of the Center for Measurement, Selection and Placement (ÖSYM), the 2024-YKS preference process has started and will continue until 23.59 on August 2. Candidates can make their preferences on the official website of ÖSYM. ais.osym.gov.trThey will be able to do this individually with their TR ID numbers and passwords via the website or the ÖSYM Candidate Transactions Mobile Application.

2024-YKS Tercih İşlemleri Başladı!

The previously announced 2024-YKS Higher Education Programs and Quotas Guide has also been published. It is important for candidates to examine the guide in detail and make their choices in line with this information.

The preference process will be completed by taking the candidates into consideration and following the instructions on the screen. The preference processes will only be carried out electronically, and preference lists sent at application centers or by mail will not be valid.

Candidates should pay attention to the rules and quota information in the guide when determining their preferences. Detailed information about the preference process can be found on ÖSYM’s official website.

To access the preference screen Click here.

2024-YKS Tercih İşlemleri Başladı!

2024-YKS Preference Process Has Started!

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